Strange synesthetics

How does your brain work? Not psychologically… but, like, the experience of it? This wasn't a question I'd ever asked myself, back in the days before I learned that internal monologue isn't, actually, a metaphor. That just blew my mind. Then I started wondering…

The origin of the "Ha! Ha!" meme guy, a research journey

Originally a thread on Twitter, archived here for posterity, plus an expert weighs in at the bottom! Nov 22, 2018 — 6:17pm somebody buy this antique(?) copy(?) of the original oil painting(?) that inspired the HA! HA! meme guy so i don’t have to plz [expired ebay link] 6:…

The return of Subservient Chicken

My childhood basement was stuck firmly in the 70's: dark faux wood paneling; harvest gold speckled linoleum — the real kind, cold and smooth; monolithic This End Up crate furniture with nubby beige fabric. Even the air felt brown. It was the place I escaped to, to escape to…